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Ding! Ding! Ding! Congratulations, Jeff.

I have a question. Was that stupidly easy or did it require some thought? I have no idea because this is my first one.

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I wouldn't call it easy. It helps that I have kick ass taste in music. Despite knowing better, my brain kept defaulting to penguins, nobody sings about puffins and as a proud 'murican, I am still clueless on how a microphone is called a mobile, ketchup is tomato sauce, fry is a chip,and a flashlight is a torch ( and i am not going to touch the fanny pack). But the Artic Tern, we'll mannered ones at least, do enjoy a pickled herring at their table.

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I could have written 'ā€¦ and a tiny cell'. What you call a cellphone we call a mobile phone. Fortunately, your kick-ass taste in music got you over the line. Ketchup can also be red sauce on account of it being what you might put on your bacon bap instead of brown sauce. (I don't have time to go into the number of words for bap in this country.) An upstanding British person would never touch a fanny pack without consent. Nor would they ever refer to a bum bag by that name.

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My OK Crumble is sufficient but not always delicious. Iā€™m a devoted yoga teacher who recently subbed teaching for a Pilates class. I am loyal to yoga but the different way of moving and the specific emphasis on deeper core work really spoke to me both physically and spiritually. I woke up today ready to incorporate this sweet fruit into my recipe.

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Oh and thanks, Jeff, for your little shout out in your post! It was my good morning surprise!

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Well thereā€™s an artist called Penguin Cafe with an EP called Perpetuum Mobileā€¦ but those arenā€™t necessarily tiny. Iā€™d be more satisfied if they had an album called Baby Phone so maybe Iā€™m way off! (I started with The Puffins btw!)

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I had not heard of Penguin Cafe Orchestra. Perpetual Mobile is a lovely piece of music, so thank you for that. (You are way off.)

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But you gotta admit, itā€™s weird that I came up with something really close thatā€™s also music-related. Points for creativity!

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Absolutely! 750 points to Katie for creativity. (And we wonā€™t mention ā€“ not even once ā€“ that penguins are Antarctic birds.)

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Hahaha!! Aaaand thatā€™s right. Ok you can take my points. Tern table is really sneaky tho!! Hopefully more punzles are on deck.

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Your points are yours. Once given, they cannot be recalled or rescinded. Your creativity is a fact. There will be another punzle on Friday.

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