I practice acceptance which precludes worry. That means I choose when to think and when to quiet my mind. I had been quite the thinker but it became anxiety so I reigned the thinking in to quiet my thought life. It’s given me a lovely space within to relax and be easy and gentle with myself and others. πŸͺ·

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That's a beautiful skill, Denelle

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I love Susan Cain's take on this. Makes me feel a lot better!

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Me too! I'm convinced that the fewer 'good' and 'bad' labels we can use in life, the easier it will be to actually be and do good.

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I see worry as a form of creativity -- one can imagine all of these different scenarios -- which would make one an amazing fiction writer. No story is a good one without conflict and triumph. That said, I am not a huge worrier, which is why I think I would make a better non-fiction writer. (These are the things I think about. Ha.)

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I love this perspective! I'm taking it for my mental toolbox. Thank you, Marya.

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