I understand you completely and will be supportive. I agree you need to create space for this and enjoy the time. I am endeavoring to scout a cooler location to be quasi-permanent. It’s a month I have protected to see what would enhance my future living space. In much joy as usual, just more at the moment🤩

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Thanks, Denelle. All the best on your location scouting.

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Thank you for admitting you’re human! I’m empathic to your situation, although time is less of an issue for me. I’m just drained of creative energy these days. Godspeed on your quest, Jeff! I hope you find both the time AND energy you need to clear the way to the new patch of FFOREST.

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Oh and LOVE my some Johnny Marr 🤩

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Thank you, Katie!

After Brexit and Trump winning the election in 2016, I went into a year-long creative slump. I carried on with work, but I didn't make anything personally creative for a year. I had been living inside a bubble of the way I thought the world was. 2016 very rudely popped that bubble. While I was recalibrating with reality, I couldn't make anything. So I can empathise with how you are feeling. It won't last forever. Trees go dormant, but spring always arrives in its own time.

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Aww this means so much, Jeff, thank you!! Yeah.... that was a rough time. I suppose a good wake up call in the end though!! I had a drought bubble like that in 2020. Mine was a two-year gap. But I was way too hard on myself back then too. I've learned a LOT since. I wish more corners of the creative internet celebrated Tree Dormancy like you do!

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I’m helping to plan my daughter’s wedding right now and even though I’m retired, I just can’t seem to organize it efficiently. The calls and vendor searchings come in spurts. Your mention of “creating space” speaks to me. No apologies necessary. Sharing your honest process is helpful in and of itself.

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Thank you, Jill. My project feels big, but I'm super grateful that it's not planning a wedding. Definitely not my thing.

I'm sure you and your daughter will create an absolutely wonderful day. I hope you have some fun during the process too.

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