I read a book a few years ago that mentioned in passing the benefits of unhunching ones shoulders. I’ve been trying to ever since. I lowered my desk to the right height for me during the pandemic. I’m getting really serious about it now. Last week I switched to a standing desk where it’s impossible for me to reach my keyboard and hunch. The amount of pain and stress I don’t have in my neck and shoulders is wonderful. One of the morning stretch routines I do says, ‘drop those shoulders’, which has become my other mantra for 2023. I’ve gotten into the habit of consciously dropping my shoulders whenever I’m peeing. (TMI?)
There is enough stress and tension in life without you adding more of your own. Do yourself a huge favour:
Drop those shoulders.
Please join me in an alternate reality where all of life is an 80s TV drama.
90s Electronic Songs That Would Have Been The Biggest Single If I Was In Charge 2 (Spotify).
Grow slowly