I really like the idea of scheduling something to look forward to during the week! It is easy to look forward to the weekend, but the weekdays need a little positive attention too. I've gone back to leisure reading, which I have missed out on for many years because I have been focused on reading self-development books. Which certainly have their place in the regular rotation, but there is something so relaxing about knowing that for the next hour or two, I am going to be doing nothing but immersing myself in another world.

Also, abdominal snowman is hilarious. ;-)

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I love reading a good story. Or listening to one. There are some great drama podcasts out there.

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I love your approach to the days of the week. I typically struggle with Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I like this tact and I'm gonna try it.

Also, the abdominal snowman. Ha. : )

Also, also, I love your bravery (yes, to me) of organizing a meet up. That to me is something scary -- because what if no one shows up. But you showed up! With a smile and a pint and a no problem if no one else came and I aspire to that!

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The abdominal snowman made my day!

Im interested in how you don’t struggle with Mondays! What are you or secrets? Haha!

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On Mondays, I’ve the the Spotify Discover Weekly playlist, so I know I will be hearing some new music and at least a couple of the songs will be really good. I don’t need it to be a big thing – just something to look forward to.

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It turned out that a couple hours with nothing to do felt really nice. And I think there will be at least three people besides me at the March hangout.

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I’m happy to hear your good report and see your pic with a pint. I wish I could join the group in Wales one night and tip a glass to Forest 🌳. I have chosen it to accompany my early rising for 2 years. My vision has been expanded in ways so enjoyable.

I love sundown Friday through sundown Saturday. Many years ago I chose this time to unplug. I cook Friday morning so I don’t have to Saturday. I prepare meals for a few days and love the time spent creatively cooking. My family calls me Chef and I love that nickname. I turn on the tunes and groove through the time well spent. Preparation for resting Saturday is rewarding after a long workweek. That’s always how it feels, long. I unwind and reflect on the week, it’s highs, perhaps the difficulties. I relax knowing I can nap, watch a movie, bathe, read, sunbathe and/or listen to the quiet on end. My introvert sucks that up. I recharge on Saturday and have new energy by sunup Sunday. It’s been a good way to live. What is your favorite day or two?

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On Fridays, as soon as my day job is done, I’m done working until I write TREE on Saturday afternoon. We have either pizza or burgers (homemade). Then, when the small kid is in bed, Christine and I share some adult beverages and watch a show or two. Last weekend we started This Is Going To Hurt (only on BBC for now). It’s the best TV show I’ve seen, maybe ever.

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