As someone who suffers from getting lost in the chase of the next 'thing,' but is also in the stage of life that I'd like to respect the seasons of life more I appreciate the new mantra I'm going to embrace this winter. "Sometimes we need to choose more rest, more stillness, more space, more generosity, more openness. Sometimes we need more connection, more activity, more energy, more exercise. Always more love."

Thanks for the riff on an already poignant statement.

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Thank you, Jordan. I've been thinking about seasons a lot recently. As a citizen a seasonal planet, it makes sense to pay attention to, acknowledge and flow with the cycles of life. I grew up in a religious tradition that didn't foster connection to the earth (although my family are huge nature lovers), so I don't many ingrained tools to do it. I'd love to know any specific things you are doing to 'respect the seasons of life'.

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I don't have the religious traditions to fight with, but those Midwest tendencies here in America scream plenty loud at me. The biggest tool I'm trying to hone is more grace. Turning the notion of I must always work harder, faster, better, cheaper and rest is for the lazy into living intentionally, efficiently, and healthier. All of that comes with deprogramming the junk and giving myself grace when I inevitably fall into it. I'm doing a lot of it with journalling right now and getting the heavy thoughts out of my head and on to paper.

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On the weekend we got pumpkins from field at a farm, carved pumpkins and ate apple-and-nut stuffed mini pumpkin with ice cream. So that feels pretty seasonal.

Maybe we should have a day for working softer, slower, worser, more expensive?

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I am accepting what life brings to me. I’m open minded, heart wide open and attentive to all life. I use to plan for problems, can you imagine? That was me before I learned it was a lousy way to live. I decided to live proactively and it’s literally changed my wiring in my brain 🧠 You CAN change your mind🪷

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Neuroplasticity for the win!

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☕️That’s right. Yesterday, I had a lie down and slept. Napping is necessary if you’re serious about rewiring your brain. I have practiced many disciplines to get to the napping phase….. I love it 😻

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