Here are some words about the fear that gets in the way of doing.
Fear is not like doing the work.
Doing the work requires definite actions.
Write the article. Knit the jumper.
Create the spreadsheet. Carve the wood.
Fear is infinite, full of terrible possibility:
What if? What if?! What if?!?!
Act! And fear collapses. Immediately
millions of terrible things do not happen.
Now fear is operating in restricted space.
Take the next step. Fear deflates more.
Everything you do to realise your idea
converts terrible possibilities
into definite realities – pleasant
or otherwise – that you can
deal with.
There’s a strong possibility that I will end up posting Emmeline’s entire catalogue on TREE. This is the final track from her new album.
Today’s post is not the answer to the questions I asked yesterday, but it’s useful input. Speaking of, several FFOREST folk shared some very kind and useful answers to my questions.
Grow slowly
Love this so incredibly much. I shared to my FB page. Thank you!
I’m so grateful for all the comments yesterday! Maybe today’s post isn’t *the* answer but it’s a good answer.