I know I wrote on Monday that reality is rude. Today I’m writing that it isn’t harsh. I think I’m right about both. It’s worth pointing out that in writing about reality I’m forced to use wordplay and oblique angles and metaphors to try and get to what’s real. Our limited brains find reality hard to pin down.
Reality isn’t harsh because “harsh” is an interpretation of something that just is. Harsh is one of many lenses you can use to try to understand reality. I think it’s one of the less helpful lenses. It primes you to interpret what’s true and real as powerfully malevolent. What are you supposed to do against powerful malevolence? It’s grim, one-sided and disempowering.
What if instead you took a neutral view of reality?
Neutrality gives you the ability to do “yes, and”.
Yes, this [terrible thing] exists, and this [good thing] exists, and this [opportunity] exists.
Neutrality about reality gives you the ability to see much more of what actually is than if you pre-judge it as harsh (or perfectly wonderful). I believe it grounds you and helps you thrive too. When you continue with “yes, and”, you will eventually see love and life and air and earth and sunlight.
Not all lenses are lovely.
Every once in a while Deap Valley do a song I like. If you’re not a bouncy morning person, maybe save this one until you need a boost during the mid-afternoon slump.
Grow slowly
Just what I needed.
At last, a signal! Reality is no signal. No. Adjust and find the joy waiting. Make room for it to happen. Look for it. Seek and find. Hide and seek? Your choice!