Words are powerful. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t write to you everyday.
But they aren’t magical.
One of the longest, slowest lessons of my life has been how to not be superstitious about my words.
For a lot of my life I believed what you say you will get, provided you don’t doubt. So it was essential to say the right things. Get your words wrong and you get your whole life wrong.1
When that’s going on in your head, you can’t just talk – or just think, for that matter. You are cut off from the emotionally honest part of yourself.
So if I was having an awful, frustrating day, I couldn’t, for instance, say, “Fuck this day in the face with a bag of infected chicken teeth!” because my magical words would put a curse on my life.
In reality, venting that frustration would probably have relieved some internal pressure and given me enough thinking space to get back to doing gratitude.
Here’s a quick guide to thinking about your words:
If your general outlook on life is that today and every day after it needs to copulate violently with a large quantity of infected hen’s teeth, even though such things don’t exist, you’ll miss out on a lot of goodness.
But if you just need to express something, you’ll be fine.
Your words are powerful but not magical.
I painted this one many years ago on an iPhone, either a 3GS or 4.
I love the vocal layering on this.
Grow slowly
There was one exception. If you said, “I will never…” you were guaranteed to get the opposite of what you said.
Err....Abracadabra?? That's a literal magic word with real powers..... All joking apart - In a previous life I had people coming at me speaking words into my life! "Phil, I speak peace into your life." Those words would have had more power and helpfulness if the reason for my lack of peace, i.e. that same person, took a hike....Express your words for sure, but pay attention to the context too.
Heavy rain and intermittent reception has me choosing my words carefully. I may only get one word in before I get bounced off. So, I remember my first “f” bomb 💣. I had not sworn before but I had graduated high school that night. My friend had a car and picked me up to go out driving around. Remember driving around going nowhere but it was exciting? Well, we both screamed f at the top of our lungs! Then laughed about it and that was it. I learned for 7 years how to cuss. Then I was born again and stopped cussing. Last year, I chose to cuss privately and see how it relieved me instead of withholding the aggravation. It works. However, I am a wordsmith that has a plethora of great non cuss words that do me good too. I make words up like this morning wrangling the fitted sheet on the queen memory foam mattress in the rv bed. I had a full body workout accomplishing the remaking of the bed. Then it’s funny and I crack myself up. £€%#=+€#% words……………….