I was a gigantic U2 fan as a '90s teen and adored this song for the exact same reason your daughter pointed out (well, that, and Edge's banger of a riff). My heart bursts a bit with the poignant echo from the past... thanks for sharing, Jeff!!

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It’s such a great song, on one of the greatest albums ever.

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Freya, right on! Playfulness can get you into trouble as Jeff alluded to. Sometimes those around me think I’m not taking something seriously enough. I’m really absorbing the seriousness and thinking of solutions in a happy state. But it’s perceived as not being affected to the degree they feel it. But I do, and I change my demeanor to convey my consideration of their concerns. To those of us who have too much fun as often as we can, here’s a caution. It’s possible to play too much. Anyone else feeling me out there?

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