Luv The Peppers and Jo’s flair. Would make leaning left on a wall more comfy. Food? Eat what is food like Katerina said! I’m off to get food today which will be fun picking my weekly nightshade. Last week was eggplant. Yum! What are you having this week? I’m doing sweet potato 🍠.

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We had this last night: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYhdt5JK4Z6/ Best sandwich I’ve had in a very long time! I added some smashed avocado.

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That sandwich looks amazing. I’m allergic to avocado though, so I’d have skipped that part. Regardless, I am halfway rethinking dinner tonight now.

“Weekly” nightshade, Denelle? Not daily? Haha!

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It made my mouth water while reading the ingredients.

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This. Eat real food (not food 'products'). It's as simple as this.

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Take note, world. The guru has spoken.

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