That’s a frabjous question to get the engine started. Empathy is inherent and learned. It comes jammed with lessons. Not many years ago, my father was 80, still hitting the gym regularly. Self-made millionaire and married 50+ years to my mother who was Infirm. I was served papers to sign that I was not his child, his firstborn. I signed. Years of being involved with him took its toll. He wanted my brother to get it all which he did. It’s been long enough to have compassion for him, now dead. How? By understanding his story. By caring to come to peace with his pain. He was a miserable man. Such a sad story. His story is my lesson of my choices to live in love, peace and joy. In joy!

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My father is very similar. I relate to you here. He left when I was 14. I spent many years trying to be enough for him, but realized I was only exhausting myself for no recognition. Instead, I spend a lot of my time now making sure people are seen, appreciated and recognized for their efforts, accomplishments, and who they are as a whole. I also know that what I've done and accomplished may have had misplaced reasonings and motivations then, but it was all for myself. The universe knew that long before I did. Sometimes we have to turn our focus inward to be able to shine outwardly with empathy.

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My heart is with you. Great work to choose wisely. Not easy but so worth the effort!

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What a story teller lil simz iz.

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Yes, she is!

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