When I was a kid, I thought my parents did a terrible job of raising my little sister. I was good. She was naughty. When I broke the rules, I got in trouble and learned from. When she broke the rules, my parents were all over the shop. They were inconsistent and needed to get their act together, I thought in my infinite 13 year-old wisdom.
Now that I’m no longer an idiot, I realise they were figuring out how to raise a kid who was different from me. She needed an entirely different type of parenting than I did. This is normal.
It doesn’t change once you grow up.
Just because a method
life hack
is someone else’s One True Thing,
that doesn’t mean it will work for you.
You don’t need to feel bad when a thing doesn’t work for you. Nor do you need to declare the proponent of the thing is wrong.
I’m talking about the small things
and the big ones.
Your path may mean that you need to
leave your religion and your belief in God behind
or give up your atheism and find God
or become a Buddhist,
or join Islam
or leave them.
You may need to
reject partisan politics
or become a party activist.
You may need to quit your job and start your dream business
or sell your business and get a job.
You may need to keep on doing exactly what you are doing right now
or you may need to tweak a few things.
Your path is yours.
Learn from other people while remembering you are not on their path.
Little Simz has a new album on the way. The first single has me excited.
Grow slowly
I needed to read this today. It’s a roller coaster when you make change especially spiritually. I keep feeling like I owe people an explanation so I liked what you said about not having to explain the proponent.
My solo living is about to change. I have been living alone 9 years now and I love everything about it. I had wondered how long I would live alone. Now I know. One month more of hurkle durkling and Lollygagging to my own drum. My dear daughter is moving in to begin her mountain living and leaving the heat behind. I am preparing and excited for the changes it brings. I feel a growth spurt coming on🪷🌲🌱