Have you gotten into cryptocurrency yet?
Have you lost that weight yet?
Have you sorted out your eating habits yet?
Have you written your book yet?
Have you bought a house yet?
Have you started that side hustle yet?
Have you seen the 100 greatest films yet?
Are you overwhelmed yet?
A billion voices (it used to be a million, but inflation) including your own maybe, are telling you the thousands of things you should have done or at least started by now.
I have advice about how to respond to those voices.
Tell them to get in the sea. You have lots of time. So much time. Yes, life is short and you will die soon. Life is also long and there is so much you can do with it. (Seneca wrote a book about this.)
What do you think are the two or three things on your list of things you haven’t done yet that are most important to your long-term thriving?
What are the main things you are doing that don’t help your long-term thriving? I’m thinking too much TV, social media, hanging out with wastrels, that kind of stuff.
Boom. Now you’ve seen it and you can’t unsee it.
Break down the things from 2 into small small chunks that you can do every day instead of doing 3.
The things from 2 become self-rewarding over time. But you can start by using the things from three as rewards for doing the things from 2.
There was this turkey who didn’t want to be eaten, so she dressed up as Father Christmas. Also, do you like my broken thumb?
If you are residing in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving!
Grow slowly
Broken thumb?! (But truthfully that cast is hilarious!!)
Reduction increases production. Less is more. But too much is just enough!