Making choices in advance is the real power tool.
Resisting the call of the biscuit is hard when you have a tin full of biscuits. It takes willpower, and willpower is weak.
Resisting the call of the biscuit is easy when you own no biscuits and no biscuit tin to put them in. No willpower is required because you made an advance choice to not have any biscuits.
The best food-related advance choice I ever made was when I decided to go from vegetarian to plant-based. Instantly I no longer needed willpower to resist cheese, anything with milk or eggs, anything with gelatine. With one (fairly large) advance choice I cut huge swathes of ultraprocessed food out of my life – no willpower required. Because of that one choice, I lost a bunch of extra weight with zero effort.
Whenever possible, save yourself from relying on willpower by making good advance choices.
Here’s another legendary Jools Holland performance. I watched this when it was originally broadcast and it made start to think maybe I had been wrong about R&B. You’re about to have An Experience. Full screen. Volume up.
Happy weekend
At first reaction, I disagreed. On second thought, I gave pause. And now I concur, as I have stopped drinking 2 cups of coffee🥴. Who knew I would drop 5#s from creamer! But I don’t miss the coffee after years of “using”😉Changing 1 degree changes all of it.