This is mostly a note to myself: When you have a choice between going outdoors or staying inside, the default option is to go out.
On Monday, my company gave all the employees the opportunity to bunk off work for an hour outside celebrating Earth Day. The weather was drizzly and cold. I was sore from a new workout I tried on Sunday. I was thoroughly tempted to spend my hour sitting in a café with a cappuccino and a book.
But, I told myself, that’s not really in the spirit of the day and you promised [our social media manager] photos of your outdoorsing.
So I went up Cam Peak and across Long Down and through some country lanes, then up and over the saddle between Cam Peak and Long Down and back to my car.
The highlights:
buttercups and mini daisies
wild garlic in flower
157 million bluebells
the view across the Severn estuary into Wales (just about through the rain)
a buzzard telling a wood pigeon to piss off out of his tree
another bird trying to poo on me and missing by an inch
Going outside the is right choice.
Grow slowly
157 million
Yes to this!