If you’re paying attention, most of the time what people have to teach you is something positive. It can take work, especially in times like now when we are more focussed on our differences than usual. But imagine how your life would change if your first thought about anyone was: this person has something to teach me. (Yep, even that guy.)
How can you be sure you’re learning the right thing?
That’s not too hard.
You’re not an idiot. Use your intelligence and accumulated wisdom.
Start from a place of – love, joy, compassion and the flourishing of the planet. (Remember, you’re part of the planet.)
Let’s do this week!
Grow slowly
I love the idea that everybody has a story. I remember watching a show years ago, reporter opened a phonebook randomly, and pointed to a name and went and visited the woman out in North Dakota or somewhere remote like that. She was older, and he told her his premise. She invited him in and said I don’t have anything to say I really don’t have a story. And then it ended up she started talking and there was this incredible story about her husband in the war and things that happened that she never even shared with her own family. It ended up the whole family came to hear the story and they did a huge feature about it.