I don’t mean the supernatural event kind of miracle. I mean the kind of thing that is impossible and then somehow it’s not impossible and you’re doing it.
I’ve found it goes like this:
Here’s a problem/opportunity/wish.
Wouldn’t it be great to do something about it?
It would! Too bad it’s impossible.
Time passes.
The thing keeps tumbling round inside you.
You try to set it aside because it’s impossible.
It disappears from your consciousness.
But it pops back into view now and again.
When it does, you notice you still want to do something about it.
Then one day, often when you are talking to someone else about it, you think something new, Wait, what if I…
And then I could…
And suddenly you find yourself beginning to solve the problem / seize the opportunity/ fulfil the wish that was impossible a few minutes ago.
If you pay attention to this process, the thought that something is impossible becomes less daunting. Maybe you begin to relish the thought because you’ve learned it is the beginning of the thing becoming possible.
An old favourite.
Grow slowly, like a miracle
Always wanted to decrease meat eating. By subduing my caveman instincts recently I finally (miraculously) have stopped making excuses and bit the green bullet. It tastes pretty good.
Ahhh. Now that you say this... yes!