Following on from yesterday…
Things you can do if you find yourself working for a company that uses creation to serve profits instead of the right way round:
Change the company culture (if you are the CEO with a board full of allies)
Secretly do your work for the sake of allowing valuable things to be created
Have a creative hobby – let the money they pay you fund your creativity
Find a new job at a different kind of company
All these approaches are valid.
Things you can do if you find yourself living in a world full of companies that uses creation to serve profits instead of the right way round:
Recognise this is the kind of world you live in. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Embrace your awareness and see where it takes you.
Choose your participation level. On Earth in 2024 it’s impossible not to buy things and engage in activities that somewhere upstream or downstream are harming people, animals and our planet. One response is to move to the wilderness to forage and weave your clothing from tree bark. Another is to throw your hands in the air and say, ‘Fuck it! Sweatshops and plastic ’til I die!’
In between those extremes are an infinite number of ways to do less harm and more good. There are many ways to spend some of your life and your money with people and companies who, like you, understand that business is a useful process not a god to be served.
Be brave enough to be a little weird, to live parts of your life outside the collective delusion that business is a thing, to truly go where your awareness takes you.
Here’s a resonably good and rather enjoyable song for starting your day.
Grow slowly