Three quick things today.
Thank you so much for reading and participating the last two weeks as I’ve reflected on FFOREST and the way I think about it. I wondered if I was being self-indulgent, but the number of folks that have liked and commented made me feel like it was an okay thing to do.
Your FFOREST friend and mine, Pete Bangs posted last week about the Coen brothers’ screenwriting process. It showed up in my inbox at the perfect time. Thank you, Pete!
‘The Coen Brothers are noted for their unusual writing process of not only eschewing outlines, but of not even concerning themselves what their story is about or who their characters are before beginning to write their screenplays. They will simply begin writing any scene they think up that they find to be interesting. Then, if they think of an interesting idea for a following scene, they will write that one, and then another, and so on and so forth until they have a first draft, discovering what the story is along the way.’
Be sure to read the full post. It will only take a couple minutes.
I thoroughly loved Justin Richmond’s conversation with Janelle Monae and her creative partner Nate Wonder – 100% inspiring. Will listening to it be the best hour of your weekend? Maybe.
Deep Cotton is Nate Wonder’s band. After 10 years, they’re putting the finishing touches on an album. This will get you bouncing into the weekend.
Next week will be TREEpeats of my original Christmas series.
P.S. My book offers last minute gift salvation.