L A W R E N C E × J E F F
chapter · 4
part · 2
Last Thursday while I walked from my BSL class to the train station, I checked the FFOREST Dashboard on my phone to see how Friday’s FIELD GUIDE was coming along. A cat walked into the road in front of me. I looked up because I like cats. Only it wasn’t a cat, it was a beautiful little fox. I stopped and watched until it was out of sight. I’ve never been that close to a fox before.
Last Friday on my morning run – I run in the mornings now, which is a whole weird thing for me – I rounded the corner from the road between the school and park to the path through the woods to the hospital and saw a muntjac deer grazing on a grass verge a few feet away from me. I pretty much melted. I like cats and foxes but tiny deer are the best animals in the universe.
Denelle commented on yesterday’s TREE. (How to do TREE correctly: always go to the comments and read what Denelle has to say.) She said:
I swear God played with me through a bird on the sidewalk today. It was magical and quite usual yet profound. That’s how it is even in a blade of grass, life 🪷
Did you get that?
‘It was magical and quite usual yet profound.’
It’s easy to feel connected to life when you are surprised a fox or a deer. The pro level is to know connectedness in the ordinary – a pigeon, a road, a blade of grass.
Yesterday, I told you about Dessa. She’s part of a hip hop collective called Doomtree. Please immediately go and listen to all their music.
Grow slowly
PS Here’s the quote from Brother Lawrence that today’s post is based on:
That our sanctification did not depend upon changing our works, but in doing that for God’s sake, which we commonly do for our own. That it was lamentable to see how many people mistook the means for the end, addicting themselves to certain works, which they performed very imperfectly, by reason of their human or selfish regards.
Foxes are so mysteriously amazing! Im glad you got to see that! This morning Brie and I stopped to admire a praying mantis. By that I mean, she squealed with “ewww bug” and I admired it. hah!
A case in point that “little foxes” don’t just spoil the vine. Rather, they inspire 🪷