The ‘few nights ago’ in today’s post was 2¾ years ago and my 17 year-old is now 20.
A few nights ago while my 17 year-old and I were cleaning the kitchen, we decided to come up with terrible band names. We came up with some bad names, some terrible names, some hilarious names and some rather good names.
This kind of thing happens a lot.
If you want good ideas, try coming up with bad ideas.
It works because there’s no pressure to be good and there’s freedom to be silly. It puts you in a happy, nonjudgemental state of mind that allows your creativity to flow.
Treat yourself to the worst animation you’ll see all day. But don’t feel guilty. (If you happen to see worse animation, please pop a link in the comments. It will improve all our Thursdays.)
Grow slowly
Hey Jeff, an even "worser" animation that has become a classic in my circle of dads that are, or are nearing this fun age.
THis app what3words: app
can yield some great band names too!
My Grans and I love brainstorming ideas. Recently, my Gran Eden needed to write an essay. Between all of us, she created an entire mega life system of unworldly proportions! She got an A+🌵