L A W R E N C E × J E F F
chapter · 3
part · 1
Brother Lawrence wrote:
That he was more united to God in his outward employments, than when he left them for devotion in retirement.
Brother Lawrence of the catering team experienced a greater sense of connection to his source, his cosmic love working in the kitchen than he did during designated prayer times. He was so tuned in to the sublime within the ordinary that official sublime time didn’t excite him.
You can spend your days chasing a beautiful life
you can spend your days living beautifully.
The risk with the former is you become consumed with the chase and miss most of your life. Lawrence was so dedicated to the latter that he found fulfilment every day in a monastery kitchen.
Nuance alert!
Does your location on the spectrum feel healthy to you?
Grow slowly
Brother Larry and Joyce Meyer have given me a clear direction to enjoy washing dishes. Mindfulness 🧘♀️ Joyce asked if you can’t take control of your kitchen, then what will you control? Mindfulness is enjoyable.