L A W R E N C E × J E F F
chapter · 2
part · 2
If someone talked to you
The way you do to you
I'd put their teeth through
Love yourself
—Television by Idles
If your cosmic love doesn’t inspire a sense of
value of
delight in
wonder about
love for
something’s gone wrong.
If find yourself classifying others
as worthwhile
while you
feel worthless,
something’s gone wrong.
Good love is generative.
When you love yourself
you take nothing from anyone.
You only add to the love that exists
in the universe.
And –
here’s a thing we need to get through
our thick capitalist brains –
love is not a luxury product.
Scarcity does not make it more valuable. Abundance can’t cheapen it.
Improve the world today:
choose to love yourself.
Tomorrow, loving your neighbour.
Grow slowly
Love how this expanded my thought as I read. Coolio🥸
Beautiful 🫶🏽