I think this post from almost exactly two years ago is a good one to drop in the middle of my reminiscing. I hope my autobiographical sketches are inspiring you to think about your past and how it is integrated into who you are now.
You can imagine the future
and the remember past, but
the only place you can be is
I’m not referring to mindfulness.
Literally, factually
the only place you can be is
Imagine the future. Make plans.
Learn from the past. Make corrections.
But the time to act is
There is nowhere else.
One of the biggest keys to success at anything hard is believing that you can figure it out as you go along. A lot of people won't start until they figure it out. And because most hard things can't be figured out in advance, they never start.
—Shane Parrish
Zeke has seen a lot of pain in his life. (He needs to quit doing those weird searches on Instagram.)
Speaking of now, this song was released six days ago and it has a great weekend vibe.
Happy weekend!