Snow day
Cooking dinner
Making ends meet
Doing a day’s work
Preparing for Christmas
Culturally mandated jollity
I don’t know what you are facing today. I don’t know if your day will be difficult or delightful. I do know that if you turn whatever you are doing today into a game, you are likely to be happier and do your stuff more creatively and effectively.
Some ways to gamify your day:
Race – can I do X in X number of minutes?
Board game view – use your imagination to zoom out on your day/office/relationships. What are the patterns? How can you disrupt the unhealthy ones and strengthen the good ones?
Ask, What if we… to get fresh ideas. Don’t worry about being practical. Be silly and weird. Give your brain permission to go off
Solve the puzzle – reframe a difficult problem as a fascinating puzzle that you get to solve
Scientists have never figured out why all robot snails have underbites. Nature is mysterious.
I started a little project of listening to a bunch of the greatest albums of all time. Of course Led Zeppelin IV is on the list (Spotify)
Play your way through Monday