There are things that people do as children and then quit.
Exam-focussed education can suck the joy out of drawing, writing, playing with numbers and any other subject.
Some parents don’t have the vision to encourage their children who develop an interest in something out of their ordinary.
Cruel comments and impatience can kill the desire to learn when a child is just beginning to gain a skill.
Peer pressure does its best to harass the interestingness out of kids.
Religions sometimes demand the sacrifice of what you love.
Financial pressures may mean the end of lessons.
Just because you stopped back then doesn’t mean you can’t start again now. Your life is yours. It doesn’t belong to Miss Trunchbull or that pack of cool kids or that insecure coach or your parents. It belongs to you. If you want to, get those flute lessons, write the story, carve the wood, learn the maths, [insert your thing here].
It doesn’t matter how long ago your thing got taken away, it’s still yours. You can take it back.
Ramón is having one of his exploding hand moments.
Time to get up and moving. This will help. (Spotify)
It’s a new week! You get a whole new week starting today.
Grow slowly
"It doesn’t matter how long ago your thing got taken away, it’s still yours. You can take it back." Well hot damn. Why is there this assumption that once you're past college age you can no longer learn a new thing (or an old thing) just because it's fun? Or does that rule exist only in my head?