If I had to choose between professionalism and authenticity, I’d go with professionalism.
Some mornings, I authentically don’t want to get out of bed. Some days, I authentically don’t want to do my job. Sometimes, I authentically don’t feel creative. There are situations where I would authentically like to be a jerk. Some of the things I authentically think of saying should definitely not be said.
Professional Jeff knows better. Professional Jeff gets out of bed, does the work, gets in the right place to receive inspiration, tries to be kind and keep my mouth under control.
Professional Jeff is more productive, kinder and happier than authentic Jeff.
This dichotomy of myself can be a useful way to think but it’s important to recognise that this is surface-level thinking. At a deeper level, Professional Jeff is who authentic Jeff wants to be. Professional Jeff isn’t something different or put on. Professional Jeff is the better expression of Jeff. Beneath the divide at the surface is unity. There’s just one me.
That’s why I started with “If I had to choose…”
The best version of you is not put on. It truly is you.
“Not for me, thanks. It’s all garnish and no meat.”
I think one of the reasons I like pop so much is that it is unashamedly professional. Pop artists don’t hide the fact that they work really hard and that they cultivate personae. They know it’s an act. We know it’s an act. It’s supposed to be an act and so it has a level of authenticity that some music posing as authentic doesn’t have. And now Pet Shop Boys (Spotify).
Grow slowly
This was very well written. Thank you for this!
This song! How can you not love the pet shop boys? I used it as a meditation, eyes closed in the darkness of early Tuesday. While I listened, I reconnected with my former professional self--a sales VP, living in airports and Hiltons, in heels and business suits--whose skin I shed almost a decade ago when I quit that career to care for my mom. Over these past years it feels like my professional self melded with my authentic self. Still getting to know her.
The lyrics made me happy and a little homesick for my folks who recently died: “But I won't see you/'Til you've made it back again.”