It’s midterm election day in the US America, a good day to bring this post back.
Every nation, tribe, community, political party, religious organisation, company and club has some beliefs, ideals and ways of doing things that are based on unreality. Think about the Catholic church’s commitment to Earth being the centre of the universe and the trouble Galileo got into for arguing otherwise. I could give current examples but they would make some people angry and other people smug.
It’s easy and not costly to see the unreality in other people’s tribes/politics/religions/clubs. The hard and costly thing is to see it in your own. One reason it’s hard is because humans are wired for belonging. We are not good at acknowledging things that threaten our belonging. It’s costly because when you exchange unreality for reality, your connection to your people is weakened. You don’t feel as close to the centre of your crowd as you used to. If the unreality is big enough or you talk about it too loudly, your connection to the true believers may be swiftly and angrily destroyed.
Why choose reality if it’s so costly?
I think the value of reality is greater than the cost. I’ll share my reasons tomorrow.
The majestic black-shelled flying tortoise descends onto a young oak tree.
This is a good French pop song. The reason you have to list though is the adorbs hidden track at the end of the version on Spotify. It’s not on the YouTube video.
It’s good to be back in your inbox. Thanks for waiting for me.