I can’t believe I’ve been calling these Throwbacks for the last 18 months when TREEpeat was just sitting there. I have now posted most of the original 95 TREEs that weren’t on Substack. There are a few more to share and a few that will remain in the vault. It’s time to start revisiting slightly newer old posts. Starting today, I will be grabbing TREEpeats (you love it so much) from the first 200 TREEs.
Before you commit to dancing the Tarantella…
… How much do you love tambourines and accordions?
Nothing exists on its own.
The thing you love as a hobby could become a misery once it becomes necessary for paying the bills.
A job isn’t merely the things you do; it’s the people you work with.
The perfect job that requires a 90 minute commute may not be the perfect job.
When you think about what you want to do, consider the accompaniment. If you don’t like the music, you’ll soon hate the dance.
Quentin Tarantino (the alligator) is lost in music.
Last week I listened to a lot of Ari Mason’s – I was going to say goth pop, but the internet informs me it is synthpop and darkwave. (Spotify)
TREEpeat completed. I have Some Things to write about this week. I hope the words I type can do justice to what’s in my head.
Grow slowly
Listening to the musical selection this morning in the early dusk before dawn, moon peeking through the spruce trees. Seems right.