It’s pretty easy to think your way into an emotion. It’s a lot harder to think your way out of an emotion. Emotions don’t just happen in your brain. They happen in your whole body. Think about the experience of a strong emotion – faster heartbeat, sweat, flushed face, trembling, goosebumps, wide eyes, narrowed eyes, smile, frown, grimace, sneer, raised voice, lowered voice, inability to stay still.
Emotions are physical events. So to effectively regulate an emotion, you need a physical response:
breathe consciously
get in water
eat healthy food
do some cleaning
When you are at the top of a mountain and want to get down, you walk down. You don’t think down.
When you are experiencing a peak emotional state and want to calm down, don’t try to think down. Do something physical.
Balsamic Joe never carries cash anymore. It’s hard to do that eagle soaring thing with a bunch of change jangling around in your feathers.
This song a physical event. (Spotify, also the song that BUNT. is covering/riffing on)
Welcome to Monday. Tomorrow through Thursday we’ve got the privilege of guest posts from Miles Taylor.
Grow slowly