🧚♀️ TREE 354: The boring ol’ materialist’s guide to manifesting 1
How to get the things your want and make your dreams come true, even if you don’t believe in Oprah.
People everywhere are busy manifesting wealth and love and Tik Tok followers. Great for them, but what if you don’t believe the universe is quivering with excitement about giving you what you want as soon as you take up manifesting? What if you don’t believe there’s a God working everything together for good for you? How are you supposed to manifest things then?
I’ll tell you.
First, a clarification.
By “materialist” I don’t mean being obsessed with possessions. I do mean the philosophical concept that matter is what there is. Materialists believe that you are your body and that’s it. So your soul is a phenomenon of your body, not a something that inhabits your body.
Now, a definition.
Manifesting is in it’s most essential form, a story you tell yourself so that you
carry on doing the work you need to do and
stay open to opportunities
until you get the thing you want.
(Too often people think the story is the work. The story is not the work.)
Materialists don’t have the benefit of being able to believe in a God or a universe with a will or the laws of attraction. So stories from Oprah, The Prayer of Jabez, The Secret or some online guru won’t help. They need different stories to keep focussed, working and open. That’s what this guide is about.
Fortunately, it will work whether you are a materialist or not.
Here’s how to start:
1/10. What do you want to manifest?
(I’m starting the same as every other guide to manifestation because where else would you start?)
Be specific as you can. You don’t need to know everything though. Rigid thinking won’t help; leave some room to flex and change as you go forward. Write it down, put it in a voice memo, draw it – do whatever you do to make a record of something important.
The boring ol’ materialist’s guide to manifesting
Ken should have retired years ago, but his wife died and now all he has left is his work. Ken is the reason why wishes in Stoke-on-Trent take so long to come true.
This is your Monday morning kick in the pants.
The March TREE Hangout is happening next Tuesday 15 March at 7:30 PM at the Albion in Conwy. If you’d like to be informed about opportunities to hang out with fellow FOREST friends in North Wales, please reply to this email and let me know.
Grow slowly
'Universe quivering with excitement' is my new favorite thing.
Personally, I am over the word”manifesting “ as I believe it’s a gimic in too many instances. I have always written down my wishes and move in that direction. To maximize your focus
and work to get what you want is quite simple. To complicate it, and spin your precious wheels for nothing happens a lot. Ageing is a teacher as you witness what works and what doesn’t. You know what it takes to make progress. To forego doing things intentionally well is a hazard and a sure way to miss the prize. What is the prize? Satisfaction. Mick couldn’t get no but I sure can. What satisfies you in its simplicity?