After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came… they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:1,11, NIV)
The magi were Persian astrologers. They came from a different country and had a completely different religion from Mary and Joseph. Even so, Mary and Joseph had the good sense to recognise that the magi brought good gifts.
The gold, frankincense and myrrh probably funded the family’s escape to Egypt when King Herod decided to kill all the babies in Bethlehem.
The normal human response to people outside their country/tradition/ethnicity/religion is suspicion. We are tribal beings. But there is so much wisdom and beauty and life outside our bubbles of familiarity.
Foreign ways of seeing, tasting, thinking, growing have much to offer. Receive foreign gifts and those who give them. They will enrich your life.
There is no biblical evidence that there were three magi, that they were particularly wise or that they were conjoined triplets.
Patti Smith does the only good version of this song I’ve every heard.
This week we are making an effort to create a good and productive space for conversations. My friend Denelle has written a conversation prompt for each day. She and Skyler and I will all be checking in on the comments section. We’d love for you to join us with your thoughts.
Today Denelle is asking…
When have you experienced someone foreign to you and their gifts? How has it impacted your life?
Happy receiving
I love 'true' facts about Christmas so keep them coming. I always though Jesus was born in October and the reason it is December was because two extra months were added to the year by the Romans.
I also think it was pretty inconvenient of Jesus was born on Christmas day. As if it s not busy enough that time of year as it is 😉
As for your love of new music, if you haven't checked out Wet Leg yet you're in for a treat. Look for Chaise Lange and Wet Dream. Hailing from Isle of Wight, they are a refreshing and exciting new fun sound.
35 years ago I housed a German Wycliffe Bible translator. We developed a friendship that lasted until her early demise. She gave me an exquisitely embroidered blouse from Oaxaca. It created an interest in Mexico that became a weekly drive across the border taking provisions to the poor. Sinks, carpets, clothes and goodies delivered to 3 families. That blouse opened my eyes to possibilities an hour from my house. My life was so enhanced by the Mexican love given me. What a loving lot.