Jan 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Gill

YES! My instagram handle when I lived in IL was @themidwesterndandelion. Seeing the way the midwest treats dandelions is an interesting thing to watch. They LOVE their lawns there and will very happily dump loads of toxic chemicals all over their grass to kill the dandelions. If you've ever tried to kill a dandelion though, you know they just won't really die. They will find every crack in the sidewalk, every piece of rocky, difficult ground and they will still flourish. Dandelions have major health benefits. Every part of them is edible and they are plants that promote healing. They're also beautiful, cheerful looking plants. I've always felt like that dandelion. I don't fit the quarter inch lawn mold but I'm beneficial and resilient. I'm a dandelion. I piss people off just by my existence and the audacity to bloom, and I very much hope to make this world better. Our world's mold of toxic patriarchy, racism, misogyny, homophobia, negativity, us vs them-ism, etc. is like that non-native, resource guzzling, round-up covered lawn. But the dandelions keep growing and we're here to change things. #thanksforcomingtomytedtalk

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