It’s the beginning of the second cycle of The Book of TREE. Let’s start as we mean to go on: with gratitude.
Sometimes the gift is obvious. Your friends, your partner, your kids.
Even when your friends/partner/kids are behaving like little shits, it’s simple enough to remind yourself that they are gifts. Especially if you already remind yourself during the times when they’re behaving delightfully.
Sometimes the gift is not obvious. It takes work to find it. But if you can find the gift, you’re one step ahead.
Sometimes the trauma is so great that the gift only arrives after many years and lots of therapy. The gift doesn’t make the trauma ok, but it’s not nothing.
Sometimes you wake up to your favourite weather and have a fantastic day.
No matter what today is, there’s a gift here.
This is how St Vincent opened Jools Holland’s this weekend. This is five songs into the set energy and she opened with it. Something to keep in mind as you start a new week.
Grow slowly
My 13 year old son is a gift. Sometimes he's more like a jack-in-the-box.
A friend reads the same daily devotion I do. Today, it was about the day being a treasure hunt. I found several today and here’s one more!