Humans have been figuring out how to thrive for thousands of years. We’ve figured out how to be happy and healthy. We know how to deal with tragedy. We know how to change. We know how to form good habits.
The data exists.
And Google can deliver it to your face in less than a second. For free.
Finding the knowledge is not the challenge. The challenge is to become a person who chooses growth and applies the knowledge. Magic happens when the application of knowledge is fuelled by joy.
Somehow people like this convinced me it was time that I wore a moustache.
Grow slowly
Now I’m entering my Fat Dog era, ‘stachless, but stoked nonetheless!
Joy comes in the morning so I tune in to that frequency first. It’s a choice, sure. Do I always find it? No. But I do find it. That’s why I return for it. I would say by now I’m addicted.
I can’t imagine a mustache on my upper lip. 🤔🥸