When a quote plays in my head on repeat for two years without permission, it’s probably to worth sharing.
Indeed, she goes as far to label the need to constantly explore as a “responsibility”. — Emma Wilkes
She is writing about Poppy, one of my most favourite artists. None of her albums sound the same. She’s always writing and recording in new directions.
Do you see exploring as something more than a thing to do on holiday?
Would you say you have a responsibility to explore new territory in your work, your hobbies, your entertainment, your relationships even?
If you did see it as a responsibility, how would your approach to the things you do change?
One thing I can tell you is that, over time, your ability to be creative would grow massively.
This one’s got a Ray of Light era Madonna + Garbage vibe.
Happy exploring!
I like to get lost. I take off in my Lincoln, put the top down, window down, and drive. I take roads willy nilly, enjoying the adventure, until I have no idea how to get home. I stop and eat the snacks; nuts, jerky and tea. GPS set for home. Ahhhhhhhh, great reset and very grounding.🪷
My Grandfather taught me how to cruise.