The universe was born with a big bang 13.8 billion years ago. It has been expanding ever since. Galaxies dance and collide. Their bodies are swirling stars. Rogue planets make their lonely ways, unanchored. Our earth, locked in place, races around the sun at 66,616 miles per hour. Continents drift on a sea of molten rock. Glaciers advance and retreat and slowly slowly slide into oceans that are never the same for even a second. Every day the sun sets a little earlier or a little later as we race through seasons telling ourselves that next year will be the one we’ve waited for. While we wait, we eat and sleep and work and play and scroll while our old cells die and new cells replace them as sure as new empires rise and sweep aside the old. And all of it, except maybe the 95% that is dark, is made of molecules made of atoms made of particles made of energy that never ever stops moving.
Stability is not, cannot be, escaping the motion of existence.
Stability is balance and poise as you flow within our ever-moving universe.
Grow slowly
We live and move and have our being within movement. What a dance💃