Thinking of planet Earth and all it contains as one big team is a useful thing to do – also, it’s true – but it’s hard. Our brains are not wired to think that big. We’re much better at having an us that is people with the same family
sports team
belief system
socioeconomic level
A lot of times those types of us are important. A lot of other times those types of us keep us blind, selfish and unable to solve the problems that need solved.
So what can we do?
It’s really hard to make the jump from a little us to all of life on the planet.
An easier but still very useful thing to do is to expand your us by one level. Can you imagine stretching your us to include your neighbours, the next department over, the people across the border, the people with a bit more or less money than you? How would that change the way you understand the world?
Everyone in the world has heard this song at least five times by now, but watch this performance. I love the way she looks like she’s having the argument onstage as she sings. Whatever you are doing today, even if you’re not on The Tonight Show, give it everything.
Happy Monday
Many people I know are leaving Facebook. Sometimes their worlds are too big there, but many of them seem to be moving laterally to a different platform. There are lots of shifts going on with the coping of big and small worlds.
I have lived alone 9 years. I am a global observer so I pray for 🇺🇦 Ukraine. I’m praying about fires in CA. The smoke has reached me in AZ. Imagine losing everything. I send money to an elder group in Guatemala. You would be surprised the difference it makes to them. I help spay and neuter their dogs. I have been helped when in need. You don’t forget that. And so you give. And it does make you feel good 👍