Here’s how to increase your success: lower the bar.
Start a project that you can finish this morning. Do one rep of one exercise. Make resolutions that you can fulfil by the end of the day. Set goals that you can achieve in a week. If you have big plans, break them down into little tasks that have quick, tangible results. Celebrate your success!
Success breeds success, so give yourself some guaranteed wins this month. It will build your confidence and increase your appetite for challenges.
You’re not not soaring with this one.
Grow slowly
PS If you don’t like getting good stuff from FFOREST every weekday for free, you can pay £49/year to get this once-a-week knock off. (I tease! I’m sure this will be good value. I’m a fan of The DO Lectures. I own a couple of their books and their Keyboard CEO course was instrumental in helping me launch TREE.)
Lowering the bar can lead to being more in the present moment. :)
As I was overthinking, your message dropped and it was timely. Lower the bar, D. I immediately did and how do you spell RELIEF? Thank you. Just one word can change your life...or 3🌹