If you haven’t read “What I talk about when I talk about God”, take a couple minutes and do that before you jump into today’s post. It’s an important reference point.
[God] causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. —Jesus (Matthew 5:45)
Sunlight enables life to exist on Earth. It is the source of almost all our energy. It also burns us, causes skin cancer and kills dogs in cars. Rain waters the crops we need to live. It also causes floods that drown homes and people.
We live in a universe that both nurtures and destroys life. It does both without respect for any person. Whether or not you get nurtured or destroyed (or just bashed around) on any given day has a heck of a lot to do with luck. We are tossed about by randomness and/or we are exist in webs of cause-and-effect so complex they might as well be random.
wear sunscreen,
don’t live on a floodplain,
and accept the luck of life with playfulness.
You can’t control it;
you might as well embrace it as a feature of the game.
Let’s enjoy another Nick Cave cover.
Grow slowly
I am embracing the chaos and magic of life. It’s like being washed down a River. Sometimes SlideRock and then the Shallows. Adjusting can be tricky.