Where are you located?
Always at the centre of the observable universe,
provided you are doing the observing.
Everything you experience happens in relationship to you,
at the centre of the universe.
It’s easy to see why this illusion sometimes convinces people that they are more powerful and responsible than they can possibly be. They believe they are little (failing) gods who must always do better, try harder, strive and strive and strive to bring peace and happiness to the sphere that radiates from them. They heap guilt on the frustrated speck of their existence while the world spins merrily, unaware of all their work.
The trick is to imagine yourself out of the centre for a moment. See that the control is an illusion. Rip off a layer or two of false responsibility. Repeat often.
The counterintuitive part: The more energy you devote to the tiny amount of stuff you actually control, the more influence you will have on the world around you.
You at the centre of everything is not a game you can win.
Have a lovely weekend
Yes!! At the turn of the year I was doing a little writing explore about trading main character energy for cast and crew energy. You don’t lose that sense of importance and belonging that humans crave, but you tone down the self-centering to see you’re truly PART of something with the rest of us. Your role is important, as is every part in the company.
I like that it’s not all about me. Sharing and caring make the world whirl🌎