Skyler has a crazy work ethic. The amount she does every week to bring you FIELD GUIDE and promote FFOREST puts me to shame. I want her to keep doing what she does for the long haul, so starting today and continuing once-a-month, FIELD GUIDE will be edited by my wife Christine who, like Beyoncé and Bono, only needs one name. She will be connecting you to already-existing stories that have the FIELD GUIDE vibe you love. We’re calling it FIELD GUIDE: FURTHER AFIELD. Pretty great, right?
When I was little I remember hearing a story about how my tiny little woman neighbour lifted her massive furry heavy husband into the attic. I can’t recall what the emergency was but it was important that he got up there.
I have always loved stories of normal everyday folk doing amazing things. Just because the human body and the human brain are capable of incredibleness.
Here is a fab story of two normal music people rescuing lots and lots of other normal people.
It’s a saver.
The guitarist who saved hundreds of people on a sinking cruise liner
Speaking of musicians and linking that with singing and trying to make it sound like these two links fit perfectly together, I found this other BBC article on the benefits of singing on your mental health.
I find breathing exercises quite dull but I do love a good sing song and did you know that singing can provide the same sort of benefits that those deep breathing sessions can? So when I am stressed now I find something to sing along to. And it works for me. I’m not sure if it works for those around me.
The world’s most accessible stress reliever
Speaking of those around me, I particularly love this last link that is about the benefits of communal singing.
Why we love singing at football matches
And speaking of communal singing, is there anyone anywhere who can resist joining in with this? (Spotify)
Thanks for reading! If you have a link you’d like to suggest for October’s FURTHER AFIELD, reply to this email or leave a comment.