‘[God] has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and godliness’ (the Bible, 2 Peter 1:3, NET).
This is an expansive statement, and difficult to believe. Like all sacred texts, you can take it in a dozen directions. Here’s where I go with it.
I don’t currently possess everything I need for the rest of my life. That would be a lot of stuff/ideas/skills to be shlepping around. Five years ago I didn’t have all the stuff I have and need for right now.
How can this statement be true then?
Remember this is the bible. The writer is writing through a cosmic, all-of-everything lens. He’s also writing a letter meant for application to real life down here in the dirt.
So here’s how I read it:
You have everything you need to do the next right thing.
That’s all you need right now. That’s everything. When it’s time to do the thing after the next thing, you will have everything you need to do that. Don’t worry if you don’t have it yet. You’re not there. You’re here, about to do the next right thing. And you have everything you need to do it.
So do it.
A bit of light relief, a bit of a bop. Don’t overthink it.
Grow slowly
Good take on that.
If I have breath in my lungs, it is all I need to do the next thing, even if it’s nothing. 🪷Stillness is something.