If you bills to pay, a family to feed, a job to go to and a craving to do creative work too, Cali Bird will teach you how to make it all work. Because that’s what she does. I urge you to subscribe to her newsletter. It will improve your life.
Cali has provided the text for today and tomorrow. I drew the pictures and chose the songs.
Valorie’s history post will be on Thursday this week.
Grow slowly
Thirty-five years ago, I was a music student whose final exams and recital preparation were blighted by chronic fatigue.
It was extremely traumatic. The more people told me to accept that that my recital performance would suffer, the more upset I became. They just didn’t understand what this meant to me.
Fast forward to this summer.
I have fatigue again. I’m doing the bare minimum. Work on my latest novel is paused.
The conditions are similar to my student days, but I am different.
I am still worthy, even though I can’t write much. My worth is in me, in the very essence of life and it isn’t tied to any of my creative achievements.
This was a massive contrast to thirty-five years ago when my whole worth was tied up in that recital. It was everything to me. And when I couldn’t carry it out as I wished, it destroyed me.
Your life is valuable too.
It doesn’t matter what you do or whether you are achieving your goals.
You are a wonderful, worthwhile, valid human being.
When the Buddha was preaching in India, he talked about how a huge be-jewelled tower rose up from the ground, resplendent with gold, silver, pearls and other gems.
He said that every person had that same potential and beauty in their lives, right now, just as they are.
Even with fatigue, I have this amazing treasure tower in my life.
And so do you.
Fish love nothing more than an evening filled with fine wine, strong cheese and delightful conversation.
amie mcg recommended this song to me. I am recommending it to you. Go ahead and enjoy the whole album. It feels good.
Cali’s words, your art, and this song--how can you not smile?
If you need me, I’ll be touring the facility. And picking up slack.
Cali, I love this. I’m now on my second period this summer of not being able to do anything at all and I needed to remind myself this is not where my value is.