An ancient prophet lamented, “… my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6, NIV).
Today he might say, My people are destroyed by an flood of useless knowledge. Some of that torrent of knowledge is an unavoidable part of living in the 21st century. Some of it we do to ourselves.
What knowledge taps can you turn off so you can focus on the information that matters to your life?
I’d suggest this helpful question: Is this helping me become the person I want to be? If the answer is no, shutting off the flow seems like a good idea.
Another suggestion (and I’m seriously preaching to myself here): if the knowledge flow is described using the word ‘feed’, be suspicious. You are not a farm animal being fattened up for slaughter.
I found some Japanese calligraphy paper and drew on it.
This song has just the right amount of groove to get you up and out on a Monday but not so much that you pull the pillow over your head and deny the day has begun.
Two things are starting in my family this week.
My new job
An intensive psychological assessment/intervention for my youngest daughter.
This is going to take up all my extra brain space for the next few weeks. A bunch of past TREE contributors have teamed up to keep things awesome through the summer. I’m so grateful. For the rest of July, Monday will be a throwback, Tuesday will be an interesting historical nugget from Valorie Clark. (Tomorrow’s is a doozy!) Wednesday and Thursday will be guest posts. The FFOREST family are wonderful.
Grow slowly
The throwbacks are really good. It never hurts to see great wisdom more than once
Which wolf wins? The wolf you feed. Feed ego or feed spirit, always our choice. Starve senseless, useless patter. Feed love, joy, peace with beneficial life giving stuff. In joy! Praying for you, Boss🙏