Building up is more effective than tearing down. Here’s an easy way to give your Wednesday an effectiveness boost. Think of three things you’ve done this week that you are proud of.
They don’t have to be big things. One of mine was tiny. I handled some feedback on my work yesterday without pulling one of those insufferable “Actually…” flexes on a coworker. I started typing it. Then my grownup brain kicked in and I deleted it.
When you have three things, think about why you are proud of those things. Tell yourself well done and enjoy the good feels.
Beyonce with a happy emoji face.
I’m still working on FFOREST FFRENZY Chapter 2: The Most Important Mealworm of the Day. For now, I’m farming out the artwork to an AI.
This is everywhere and has 160 million + streams on Spotify - not typically the type of song I choose - but sometimes one wants some proper feel-good disco. Go with it.
I hope your day is full of boost and bounce!
I am not big on saying I’m proud as it denotes ego. But for you, Jeff, I will admit to a degree of contentment I am being enriched by. That is a personal relationship I choose to reconcile. Somewhat challenging to me being vulnerable. I’m “proud” of me stepping out of my comfort zone and mindfully adulting. Are you vulnerable?