It’s good to be Jeff Gill. It’s good to be these legs, these arms, this torso, this brain, these fingers, these eyes, these feet. It’s good to be standing, alive, part of this planet right now.
It’s good to be Jeff Gill. That’s the starting place for everything. Do I need to learn something new? Excellent! It’s good to be Jeff Gill. Do I need to break a bad habit? I can do that because it’s good to be Jeff Gill. Do I belong? Do I matter? Do I have something to contribute? Of course! Because I’m Jeff Gill and it’s good to be Jeff Gill.
Now read the first paragraph out loud but use your name. Keep saying it. Keep working on it for however many minutes or years it takes you to believe it.
It’s truly and utterly good to be you. Always start with that fact.
I’m still working on FFOREST FFRENZY Chapter 2: The Most Important Mealworm of the Day. For now I’m farming out the artwork to an AI. The prompt for this one was: Batman winning an award. (Because it’s good to be Batman too.)
The first time I heard this song was in the background on Need for Speed on my phone and then everywhere else all the time. Here’s a new edit for 2022 to start your week.
Grow slowly
Thank you. It's good to be Cali Bird
I like this a lot.