The way you train in the dojo is the way you will fight in the street.
Back in my karate days, my sensei said this a lot, especially when he was trying to help teenagers understand that their lazy-ass punches and halfhearted holds would be useless in a self-defence situation.
Most of life isn’t a street fight.
Most of life isn’t take action or die.
Most of life is spent in the metaphorical dojo, in the montage.
Hopefully you are using your time there to develop good habits,
build resilience,
position yourself for opportunities,
compound your gains.
Then, when those street fight moments come – good or bad – you’re ready and able to handle them.
The Gill family has been living through a street fight the last few weeks, trying to get the right help for our youngest daughter who has very complex needs. My sensei’s saying has been proved right repeatedly. Yes, you learn lots of things living through a crisis, but you have to navigate it with the life skills and strength you already have. That’s all you have time for.
If you aren’t in a crisis right now, put your energy into your training in the dojo. You’ll need it one day.
“Welp. Here we are – the start of another stupid day surrounded by the idiot inhabitants of this worthless planet.” (Rod Kleptohammer’s therapist recommends starting each day with an affirmation.)
Buy the digital original. (Why?)
Your TREEjay this week has been my daughter Freya Gill. —JG
Possibly Cerys Matthews’ best song outside of Catatonia. It always makes me a little teary. I’ve enjoyed choosing the music this week. Thanks for listening.
Tomorrow we’re chopping up trees.
Grow slowly
I need this reminder. I’ve been trying to build skills since we entered the pandemic and it’s sure harder than if I had them before, yet there will assuredly be more challenging moments to come. Getting older is all about that. Wishing you the best.
Definitely crisis time. But I used mojo in the dojo and here I am now. Seeing light ahead. Do you?