Last week, I read this article about how social media algorithms are ripping society apart. It’s not a ranty thing. It’a long, careful analysis by Jonathon Haidt.
A couple days later, I watched this TEDx talk by a guy who has done a crazy amount of really focussed stuff even though he has serious inability to concentrate. He did it by making little changes in his behaviour.
They got me thinking about how I could use my time better. I realised the news I was reading during weekday breakfasts was mostly worthless, so I started reading something better first. (I started on Sunday to make it less of a decision on Monday morning.)
What small change you can make now to give yourself a long-term benefit?
Just make one small shift.
Have you heard Calva Louise? I think you’ll enjoy Calva Louise.
In tomorrow’s FIELD GUIDE, Skyler’s husband Matthew will tell you about picking up and putting down heavy things. Very heavy things.
Grow slowly
I believe staying present avoids algorithms from invasion and reacting to them. So, staying in my own rhythm is my normal. I can control it so I do. In this way, I remain uncontrollable and this brings me joy. I like your change, Jeff. And love the bucket image, yes!